International department of Shanghai jincai middle school

Shanghai Jincai High School

Primary school curriculum

The curriculum carried out in Jin Cai High School International Division Elementary Department is aimed to focus on learning to gain students’ full potential, foster their interest and broaden their vision to the world and to help students to become global citizens responsible for themselves. The curriculum is composed of main courses which include Language Arts, Math, Chinese/Mandarin, IPC (International Primary Curriculum) and six specialty subjects (Music, Art, Drama, STEM, PE and Library). Kelso Choice Programme and other extended curriculum including ESL/CSL (English as a Second Language/Chinese as a Second Language), ECA (Elective Classes Activities) and ASP (After School Programme) are also implemented as part of the curriculum.

The IPC is one of the fastest-growing curriculum choices in the world today, implemented in over 2000 schools in over 90 different countries. It is a comprehensive curriculum for 5-12 year olds, made up of over 100 exciting, engaging and globally relevant thematic units of learning, which are designed around a clear process of learning and with specific learning goals for subject, personal and international learning.

JCID encourages and supports the cultivation of students' interests. We firmly believe that every student is unique and has potential. We offer a range of elective courses to ensure a balanced development of academic subjects and interests.

In the elementary school, we offer courses covering more than ten subjects in three major categories: "sports", "strategy games" and "artistic accomplishment". Cricket, baseball, paper kites making, paper-cutting and other special courses are especially popular among students.

We are committed to developing students in a variety of ways. While teaching academic courses, we also give them the right to choose their own unique courses.

The After-School Program offers further learning enrichment opportunities for its students. Our After-School Programs serve all students and encompass a broad range of focus areas including language acquisition, cultural enrichment, arts, crafts, sports and recreation.

The activities that students engage while outside of school hours are critical to their development, highlighting the need for a quality afterschool program. We pride ourselves with providing high quality after school programs that generate outcomes such as improved academic performance, classroom behavior, coordination and cooperation to name but a few.

The After-School Program runs from Monday through to Friday from 4:15 p.m.- 5:15 p.m. Teachers and trusted vendors run various After-School Programs that range in duration from 10 week to 14-week long programs each semester.

An ASP Fair is hosted at the school every semester on Registration Day. Parents/guardians and students can discover a wide array of programs and activities being offered on different days at our school. The ASP Fair also gives parents and students a chance to sample what is on offer. Interested parents/guardians are invited to join the ASP Fair and discover an array of programs at the next Registration Day. If you miss the Fair, an ASP Information Packet is always sent home for parents/guardians and students to consider, completed forms of registration are then submitted to the Homeroom Teacher. For more information regarding the After School Program, please contact the ES Office